Gulf Coast Camellia Society

Show Results Covington, LA- December 20, 2014

Curtain Call
C. reticulata 'Curtain Call'
Northshore Camellia Club
December 20, 2014
Gymnasium - St. Scholastica Academy
122 North Massachussetts Street
Covington, Louisiana

Show Chairman - Jim Campbell
927 Blooms Exhibited
129 Attendees
52 Exhibitors


Gold Certificate (unprotected): Roger Vinson
Silver Certificate (unprotected): Gordon Rabalais

Gold Certificate (protected): James Smelley
Silver Certificate (protected): Hal Vanis


C. japonica unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Helen Bower', Gordon Rabalais
RU: 'Veiled Beauty', Gordon Rabalais
Md/Md Lg: 'Black Magic', Gordon Rabalais
RU: 'Elaine's Betty Red', Gordon Rabalais
Sm: 'Tudor Baby Var.', Gordon Rabalais
RU: 'Pink Perfection', Gerald & Sharon Phares
Mn: 'Ellen Daniel', Richard Hooton
RU: 'Fircone Var.', Jim Campbell

C. japonica protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Mrs. D. W. Davis Descanso', James Smelley
RU: 'Chief Arnold', Hal Vanis
Md/Md Lg: 'Mary Edna Curlee', Hal Vanis
RU: 'Sea Foam', Hal Vanis
Sm: 'Something Beautiful', James Smelley
RU: 'Hishi-karaito', James Smelley
Mn: 'Little Slam Var.', Hal Vanis
RU: 'Little Red Ridinghood', Hal Vanis

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Frank Houser', Richard Hooton
RU: 'Linda Carol', Roger Vinson
Sm/Md Lg: 'Bev Piet Var.', Richard Hooton
RU: 'Lois Boudreaux', Dudley Boudreaux

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Moonrise', James Smelley
RU: 'Dr. Clifford Parks Var.', James Smelley
Sm/Md Lg: 'Bev Piet Var.', Hal Vanis
RU: 'Black Lace Peony', Hal Vanis

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
BB: 'Debbie', Paul Huerkamp
RU: 'Miss Jennie', Skip Vogelsang

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
BB: 'Julia', Hal Vanis
RU: 'Delores Edwards', Hal Vanis

Best White Bloom unprotected: 'Mary Alice Cox', Al & Vickie Baugh

Best White Bloom protected: 'White Porcelain', James Smelley

Species (sasanqua, hiemalis, etc).:
BB: 'Star Above Star', Roger Vinson
RU: 'Kon-wabisuke', Michael Polozola


Best japonica seedling: 'Vogthorstar', Carrie Lee Schwartz
Best reticulata or hybrid seedling: 'PB/BM', Richard Hooton

Best Sport (Mutant) Bloom: 'Elaine's Betty White', Gordon Rabalais


Tray of Three japonica - same or different varieties unprotected: 'Brooke', John Grimm
"Tray of Three reticulata//hybrid/other species - same or different varieties unprotected 'Ray Gentry Var., Joe Nuccio, Miss Jennie', Skip Vogelsang
Tray of Three japonica - same or different varieties protected: 'Tama Vino', James Smelley
Tray of Three reticulata/hybrid/other species - same or different varieties protected 'no entry',


'Nuccio's Pink Lace', Skip Vogelsang
'Emberglow', Richard Hooton
'Ville de Nantes', Gordon Rabalais
'Black Lace', Walter & Geri Krzymowski
'Frank Houser Var.', Dudley Boudreaux


'Ellen Daniel Red', James Smelley
'Lundy's Legacy', James Smelley
'Tomorrow's Dawn', James Smelley
'Jack Mandarich', James Smelley
'Black Knight Var.', James Smelley

Best Antique Bloom (Pre 1900) - Florence Crowder Award: 'Kiku-toji', Paul Huerkamp


C. japonica:

Lg/VLg: 'Al Gunn', Buzz Ritchie
Md/Md Lg: 'Arajishi', John Depreau